• مرحبًا بكم في منتديات الغلا!
    أهلا ومرحبا بكم في مجتمعنا أنت حاليا تشاهد المعهد كزائر و التي لاتعطيك سوى خيارات التصفح ال محدودة الاشتراك لدينا مجاني ولايستغرق سوى لحظات قليلة حتى تتمكن من المشاركة والتفاعل معنا...

هل من مجيب .. اسألك من انت؟

اعلانات المنتدى

Untitled 2


New member


السلام عليكم ورحمه الله


عندما نبحر في سمآء الادب ونضع اشرعتنا جانبآ كي لا نعود الى هذا العالم

المليئ بمشـ اغل و شـ غ ـب وهموم



سيكون هنا المرفئ لاحاسيس و وجدانيآت

لـ طالما بحثت عن الرآحه

كيـف ستكون ..!؟

أسـ ألني من أنا و سـ أجيب

وأسـ ألك من تكون /

لـ نزيد من أسس التواصل الفكري الذي يربطنـ ا ..

السؤالــ من أنت


الجواب أنا ..

بعدة كلمات و سطورٍ قليلة ونكهة أدبية ( بين شعر و نثر )

يتبارى بها إبداعــ الاقلام .

:: لايشترط أن يكون من أبداعك ::

وانا سوف ابدا

أنا ضحكة الزمان

أنا أجمل إبتسامة وسط الدموع

أنا القلب الذي لايتراكم عليه الصدأ

أنا الصادقة في عواطفها

وــأنــت من تكون ؟؟ ؟؟؟؟؟؟

بتمناااااااااااا التفاعل بكل صدق مع مشاعركم

تحياتي للجميع

اتمنى ان ينال اعجاااااااااااابكم





New member

انا بارقة امل في دروب الحياة

انا بسمة مرسومة على الشفاه

من تكون انتــ ..؟؟


New member
أنا كلي هـدوء ووفاء
أنا أظهر مشاعـري بُكلِ صراحـة
وأخفي في داخـلي الكثير الكثير

أنا العطاء
أنا الاخلاص
أنا الحب

فهذه أنـا ...
فمن تكون أنت / أنتِ ؟؟؟


New member
انا العاشق اللذى
وان غيبتى غابت عنه شمس الضحى
وطار النوم من عينيه

من انتى ؟


New member
سَلَمِتْ أٌنآملِـگ عَلََى الحضور الراقى
وجود رائع ومميز ,,,, ~ْ
شكراً لكـ *
من القلب اجمل الامنيات
دمت بكل حٌبْ وسعآدة ~)

انا الأمان لكل من لجأ لى
انا الحب لكل من يبادلنى مشاعر نقية صافية خالية من الخبث
انا العطاء لمن يستحق
انا الامومة لأبنائي انا السند لزوجي
انا الفرح لكل حزين فدائما اخفى مشاعرى واتظاهر بغير ذلك حتي لو كان على حساب نفسي لاعمل ع إسعاد غيرى
كلماتك رائعة ؛ ومنشورك راق لى كثير


New member
Steering through a Social Security Disability application procedures could be an intimidating task for many individuals. The procedure may be compound and time-consuming, additionally the chances of getting rejected are great. That is where a social security disability lawyer will come in. A legal professional can help you navigate the application form process, enhance your likelihood of becoming accepted, additionally appeal a denied claim. In this essay, we are going to discuss 5 various topics associated with the part of a social security disability law firm.

Trying to find your way around the Social Security Disability application system by using an attorney
The social security disability application function could be perplexing to complicated. A legal professional will allow you to comprehend the requirements and show you through the method. They are able to also allow you to gather the required professional medical proof and documentation to guide ones demand. They can also help out with preparing someone for the case, if required.

The significance of health-related proof in a Social Security Disability case
Medical evidence is a must in a social security disability case. It really is utilized to show which you maintain a medical condition that stops you against working. An attorney makes it possible to pull together the required medical proof and offer it in a fashion that is most probably to be accepted because of the social security governing administration. They may be able also allow you to acquire medical records as well as other files that support your case.

Popular misunderstandings regarding Social Security Disability and just how an attorney will help
There are numerous misconceptions regarding social security disability. For instance, lots of people genuinely believe that only those people who are permanently disabled are qualified to receive benefits. Nevertheless, this is simply not true. A lawyer makes it possible to comprehend the eligibility requirements and dispel any misconceptions you could have. They could also provide assistance with how exactly to present your case in the most favorable light.

The appeals procedure for waived Social Security Disability situations and just how an attorney will help
When your claim is denied, you've got the directly to appeal. Legal counsel will allow you to comprehend the appeals undertaking and serve you throughout the hearing. They are able to also assist you to gather additional evidence and establish a stronger case to improve your chances of success.

How to choose the right Social Security Disability attorney at law for the case
It is critical to choose a lawyer who may have practical experience dealing with social security disability matters. Try to find a legal professional who is acquainted with the social security administration's policies and procedures. It's also advisable to feel comfortable chatting with them and trust their judgment. Seek out a legal professional who are able to supply apparent and sincere responses to your questions and supply assistance through the duration of the procedure.

In closing, a social security disability law firm can play a crucial role when you look at the application and appeals process. They could allow you to navigate the procedure, raise your likelihood of getting authorized, and appeal a declined claim. A lawyer will help you realize the qualification specifications and dispel any myths you could have. You need to choose a lawyer who's got experience managing social security disability situations, in accordance with whom you feel at ease communicating.

If you wish to practice more info on this subject matter browse my personal Social Security Disability lawyer firm web site:

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